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Donor Levels
Curtain Sponsor

We’ll write a musical for you…just kidding! We cannot express how grateful we are for a contribution like this. For your above and beyond donation, you’ll receive a plaque on the wall inside the Derry Opera House, with all of the perks from the Adams Sponsor. 

Adams Sponsor

We are so grateful for your generosity! You will receive everything in the Greenroom Sponsorship, plus a booth at both Derryfest and Derry’s Got Talent.

Greenroom Sponsor

You’re amazing! Alongside a thank you note, social media and newsletter recognition, your name will be mentioned prior to any production for the next year as a token of our gratitude. 

Backstage Sponsor

Your community appreciates you! On top of a thank you note and social media recognition, you’ll receive a donor spotlight in our newsletters.

Front of House Sponsorship

You rock! Thank you for helping us out. A thank you note will come your way, as well as recognition on social media.

Friends of the Opera House

Thank you! You’ll receive a handwritten thank you note from us at the GDAC.
